n a peaceful village nestled between the hills, there lived a kind-hearted mommy chicken named Cluckster. She had three adorable little chicks, Chirp, Peep, and Squeak, who brought joy and warmth to her heart every single day. The family lived in a cozy little barn surrounded by a lovely garden, where the chicks spent most of their time pecking at the ground, exploring the world around them, and playing with their feathered mother.
But there was one creature in the village who did not like the happiness that the little family radiated: Minea, a mischievous and grumpy monkey who lived in the nearby jungle. Minea was known for causing trouble and pulling pranks on the other animals in the village, and she often found herself in the barn watching Cluckster’s chicks from afar.
One sunny afternoon, as Cluckster was napping in the barn, Minea crept up to the chicks who were happily hopping around, unaware of the danger approaching. The sneaky monkey, with a wicked grin, reached out and pushed one of the chicks, Chirp, to the ground. Chirp let out a loud squawk as she fell, and it startled the other chicks. Cluckster, who was just waking up, rushed out of the barn and saw her poor chick in pain.
“OH MY GOD!!” Cluckster cried in horror as she rushed to her chick’s side. She gently nuzzled Chirp, who was trembling and upset. Cluckster’s eyes turned fierce as she looked around, searching for the culprit. Her sharp eyes finally spotted Minea, who was snickering from behind a nearby tree.
“How dare you hurt my precious chicks, Minea?” Cluckster shouted, her feathers ruffling in anger. “You’ve crossed a line now!”
Minea, thinking she had won and was invincible, swung from the tree with an arrogant grin. “What are you going to do about it, Cluckster? I’m a monkey, and you’re just a chicken!”
Cluckster’s heart was heavy with concern for her chicks, but something inside her snapped. She wasn’t going to let Minea get away with this cruelty. “You’ve made a big mistake, Minea,” she said, clenching her beak. “I’ve had enough!”
Determined to teach Minea a lesson, Cluckster devised a plan. She gathered her chicks close and whispered her plan to them. The little ones nodded enthusiastically, eager to help their brave mother.
That night, when the moon was high in the sky, Cluckster and her chicks set their trap. They lured Minea to the barn by scattering some of her favorite fruits near the entrance. As Minea approached the barn, she was so focused on the fruits that she didn’t notice the rope tied across the entrance. As she stepped inside, the rope pulled tight, causing a bucket of water to fall right onto her head!
Minea shrieked in surprise, soaked and dripping wet. Cluckster stood proudly with her chicks beside her. “That’s what happens when you mess with my family, Minea! Now, you’ll think twice before hurting anyone again!”
Minea, humiliated and drenched, climbed back into the jungle, vowing to never bother the little chicks again. From that day on, Cluckster and her chicks lived happily ever after, and Minea learned that messing with others came with consequences.